Meet some of the team
Our Yakka Build team has decades of experience in professional building and renovations. There’s simply not enough space to include all our expert team members and their experience, as our team often expands to include our additional members for larger projects. We consider them our extended team, and just like everyone in the Yakka Build team, everyone works to the same consistently high standards of excellence. Below, we’re pleased to introduce our immediate team – the core Yakka Build team.

I was introduced to Yakka Build through a mate, and I was actually on a roof when they called me, so I did my job interview from a roof! I was coming from industrial design and the transition has been really cool. I needed a new challenge, and I was finding that I’d get bored after a while just sitting at a computer. I also wanted to work with a company that had high-end projects. Apprenticeships can often have no progression path, and I didn’t want to just be digging holes for 3 years.
The Yakka team are a really chilled crew so it’s easy to get along with everyone. The projects we get to work on are top quality and I learn so much. Our main focus when building is the attention to detail, which includes following the building codes and taking the time to get it right. If we ever get something wrong, we have to take it all down and start over again, they don’t do shortcuts. It’s quality from ground up. The thing I love about working with Yakka is that every day keeps me challenged physically and mentally. I’m a fast learner and tend to pick things up quickly, but I’m also happy to help the team in any way and love getting stuck into work. When I was an industrial designer I would get bored as the work was repetitive, whereas now it’s challenging but also rewarding as we get to solve problems – and lifting 300kg beams into the air keeps me strong.
It’s a great fit for me because I’m really into rock climbing and it’s essentially the same. There’s a strong physical component so I’m moving and keeping fit, there’s problem solving involved which keeps me mentally engaged, and there’s always an element of creativity – there’s not just one solution, often there are different options and we need to work together to decide on the best one. That’s probably why one of my favourite tools is the multitool, it just solves so many problems.
It’s actually funny how people sometimes think that builders just “stand around” doing not much. Most of the time we’re actually trying to solve problems – like if we’re staring at a door, we’re not just aimlessly wasting time – we’re looking to see if the door is straight, or needs any final work to get it perfect. A lot of the ‘standing around time’ for our crew is actually problem solving. We always have a plan, but we need to be dynamic because things change. We’re constantly adjusting, improving and creating to keep ahead of the curve and stay on schedule. It’s so different with Yakka, they genuinely care about what happens.
– Joshua Luke Anderson Simpson (OG)
A difference with Yakka is that we’re family oriented. I get the sense that other builders are more ‘business-oriented”. We value our team as though they are family, and through the building process our clients also become part of this extended family”.
As a kid it was my dream to be a builder, but earlier in my career I worked in hospitality.
In that industry things were always ‘go go go’, and I became so used to rushing and reacting. Building was a fresh start and an opportunity that felt right. Once I was out of that fast-paced industry, I realised how much more time I had to think, plan and respond thoughtfully. I’m more creative and responsive, and I anticipate issues and solve them in advance which always leads to a better outcome without the stresses of urgency.
We’re a little different from some building companies as we built our policies on family values. We have policies in the business that we prefer the employees and subcontractors to adhere to, like no alcohol or swearing, and we keep things clean on site. We’re considerate within our own homes when we’re with our own families, so we wanted to extend that to the clients we’re working with too and show respect to them. It makes our working environment really welcoming and our clients appreciate it too.
Another thing we do is send a letter to the neighbouring houses of our clients before the build starts. It’s really important to us that everyone feels comfortable, and it’s so easy to make contact with neighbours and let them know what’s going on. The neighbours appreciate it a lot, and our clients are always so grateful too because they feel valued, and it takes the pressure off them if a neighbour has a question because they can contact our team directly, it keeps their relationships solid.
I love when we start working with a new client and they’re so excited about their ideas and their dream home. It’s the combination of that initial excitement and the end result when they see their dream transformed into reality. A big part of this comes down to our processes and ethics. The BCA (Building Code of Australia) makes updates regularly and we keep across that, it’s essential to what we do. We’ve seen so many tradies build “the way they’ve been taught”, but because the codes can change so often it means they’re actually not doing things in line with the building codes. Our guys really value this, and it’s great seeing them follow it because it gives us total confidence in what we do. We’re all working from the same playbook, we’re all living up to the same set of standards and there are no shortcuts, we just do it the right way the first time.
I coach my kids’ Rugby league team and there’s that same cohesive sense of teamwork. We’re decades older obviously, but the dynamic is still there where the kids are abiding by the same set of rules and principles in the game. I notice with our Yakka boys as well as my kids footie team, that as they develop and grow and learn more skills on the field or on site, their general lives seem to improve. It’s rewarding seeing them grow into great young men with amazing ethics and tools for life.
– Andy
I started working with the Yakka team as a long-term view to create a better future for my family, but also to have the opportunity to work in a solid family business… Oh, and my brothers run the company, so I had no choice!
All jokes aside, I’ve worked with builders throughout my life and things like honesty and integrity can be hard to find in the industry. With Yakka that’s all there is, and there’s just this willingness to produce the best result for our clients in every area. Aesthetically and financially are the obvious areas, but it’s also about functionality, practicality, the sustainability of a build and the long-term use. For families we want them to enjoy a renovation now and into the future, not just a short-term fix to solve their immediate needs but also factoring in what their plans are in the future, and how we can help cater to that now.
Actually, what I love most about my work is communicating with the people we work with. I really enjoy learning about what our clients want to achieve and genuinely understanding what they want. I also love problem solving, there’s nothing more satisfying than when it seems like something can’t be done and we just say, you know what, we’re going to find a way to do it.
I’m a fisherman and I live for the outdoors, time on my own, fresh air. I was running outdoor education in schools before building, so I’m drawn to the outdoors and nature. I get a lot of time outdoors with Yakka and there are some consistencies between my two worlds. I’ve always noticed that repetition produces accuracy, and once a skill is learned it can be applied to different situations. There’s a colourfulness to fishing, there are so many variables in weather and conditions, then there’s the lines and bait we use, the places we go, the species of fish we catch. In building there’s contrast too, yet it has this sense of consistency. We could be demolishing one day and pouring foundations the next, there’s a constant state of evolution and change. We have the experience of having done it so many times before in different ways, so it’s totally new on each project and yet it feels familiar.
– Luke

I was introduced to Yakka Build through a mate, and I was actually on a roof when they called me, so I did my job interview from a roof! I was coming from industrial design and the transition has been really cool. I needed a new challenge, and I was finding that I’d get bored after a while just sitting at a computer. I also wanted to work with a company that had high-end projects. Apprenticeships can often have no progression path, and I didn’t want to just be digging holes for 3 years.
The Yakka team are a really chilled crew so it’s easy to get along with everyone. The projects we get to work on are top quality and I learn so much. Our main focus when building is the attention to detail, which includes following the building codes and taking the time to get it right. If we ever get something wrong, we have to take it all down and start over again, they don’t do shortcuts. It’s quality from ground up. The thing I love about working with Yakka is that every day keeps me challenged physically and mentally. I’m a fast learner and tend to pick things up quickly, but I’m also happy to help the team in any way and love getting stuck into work. When I was an industrial designer I would get bored as the work was repetitive, whereas now it’s challenging but also rewarding as we get to solve problems – and lifting 300kg beams into the air keeps me strong.
It’s a great fit for me because I’m really into rock climbing and it’s essentially the same. There’s a strong physical component so I’m moving and keeping fit, there’s problem solving involved which keeps me mentally engaged, and there’s always an element of creativity – there’s not just one solution, often there are different options and we need to work together to decide on the best one. That’s probably why one of my favourite tools is the multitool, it just solves so many problems.
It’s actually funny how people sometimes think that builders just “stand around” doing not much. Most of the time we’re actually trying to solve problems – like if we’re staring at a door, we’re not just aimlessly wasting time – we’re looking to see if the door is straight, or needs any final work to get it perfect. A lot of the ‘standing around time’ for our crew is actually problem solving. We always have a plan, but we need to be dynamic because things change. We’re constantly adjusting, improving and creating to keep ahead of the curve and stay on schedule. It’s so different with Yakka, they genuinely care about what happens.
– Joshua Luke Anderson Simpson (OG)

A difference with Yakka is that we’re family oriented. I get the sense that other builders are more ‘business-oriented”. We value our team as though they are family, and through the building process our clients also become part of this extended family”.
As a kid it was my dream to be a builder, but earlier in my career I worked in hospitality.
In that industry things were always ‘go go go’, and I became so used to rushing and reacting. Building was a fresh start and an opportunity that felt right. Once I was out of that fast-paced industry, I realised how much more time I had to think, plan and respond thoughtfully. I’m more creative and responsive, and I anticipate issues and solve them in advance which always leads to a better outcome without the stresses of urgency.
We’re a little different from some building companies as we built our policies on family values. We have policies in the business that we prefer the employees and subcontractors to adhere to, like no alcohol or swearing, and we keep things clean on site. We’re considerate within our own homes when we’re with our own families, so we wanted to extend that to the clients we’re working with too and show respect to them. It makes our working environment really welcoming and our clients appreciate it too.
Another thing we do is send a letter to the neighbouring houses of our clients before the build starts. It’s really important to us that everyone feels comfortable, and it’s so easy to make contact with neighbours and let them know what’s going on. The neighbours appreciate it a lot, and our clients are always so grateful too because they feel valued, and it takes the pressure off them if a neighbour has a question because they can contact our team directly, it keeps their relationships solid.
I love when we start working with a new client and they’re so excited about their ideas and their dream home. It’s the combination of that initial excitement and the end result when they see their dream transformed into reality. A big part of this comes down to our processes and ethics. The BCA (Building Code of Australia) makes updates regularly and we keep across that, it’s essential to what we do. We’ve seen so many tradies build “the way they’ve been taught”, but because the codes can change so often it means they’re actually not doing things in line with the building codes. Our guys really value this, and it’s great seeing them follow it because it gives us total confidence in what we do. We’re all working from the same playbook, we’re all living up to the same set of standards and there are no shortcuts, we just do it the right way the first time.
I coach my kids’ Rugby league team and there’s that same cohesive sense of teamwork. We’re decades older obviously, but the dynamic is still there where the kids are abiding by the same set of rules and principles in the game. I notice with our Yakka boys as well as my kids footie team, that as they develop and grow and learn more skills on the field or on site, their general lives seem to improve. It’s rewarding seeing them grow into great young men with amazing ethics and tools for life.
– Andy

I started working with the Yakka team as a long-term view to create a better future for my family, but also to have the opportunity to work in a solid family business… Oh, and my brothers run the company, so I had no choice!
All jokes aside, I’ve worked with builders throughout my life and things like honesty and integrity can be hard to find in the industry. With Yakka that’s all there is, and there’s just this willingness to produce the best result for our clients in every area. Aesthetically and financially are the obvious areas, but it’s also about functionality, practicality, the sustainability of a build and the long-term use. For families we want them to enjoy a renovation now and into the future, not just a short-term fix to solve their immediate needs but also factoring in what their plans are in the future, and how we can help cater to that now.
Actually, what I love most about my work is communicating with the people we work with. I really enjoy learning about what our clients want to achieve and genuinely understanding what they want. I also love problem solving, there’s nothing more satisfying than when it seems like something can’t be done and we just say, you know what, we’re going to find a way to do it.
I’m a fisherman and I live for the outdoors, time on my own, fresh air. I was running outdoor education in schools before building, so I’m drawn to the outdoors and nature. I get a lot of time outdoors with Yakka and there are some consistencies between my two worlds. I’ve always noticed that repetition produces accuracy, and once a skill is learned it can be applied to different situations. There’s a colourfulness to fishing, there are so many variables in weather and conditions, then there’s the lines and bait we use, the places we go, the species of fish we catch. In building there’s contrast too, yet it has this sense of consistency. We could be demolishing one day and pouring foundations the next, there’s a constant state of evolution and change. We have the experience of having done it so many times before in different ways, so it’s totally new on each project and yet it feels familiar.
– Luke

Yakka definitely care.
I started out in the industry at a maintenance company, and I realised quickly it wasn’t the place for me. The way they were working just didn’t seem right, pretty shonky and not much care was taken. I knew I didn’t want to end up like that so started looking elsewhere. I heard that a family friend of ours had their house renovated by Yakka Build and said they were awesome builders. I called Yakka and they decided to give me a go.
As soon as I got started with Yakka I could tell that it was the place for me, they really care about what they’re doing. It’s interesting as whenever I talk to other tradies and my friends in the building industry, they’re always so surprised at how we do things. So many times my friends have said “Wow you really do that?”, and to me it’s so normal and how things should be, but it definitely seems like there are other companies out there that cut corners and don’t share the same values.
I really respect the way that Steve and Andy do things, they take pride in what they do and want to give the best service they can. It’s not that common for things to go wrong, but if that ever happens their standards are to take it down and rebuild it properly. They’ll even do this at their own cost, because for them there’s no compromising, it has to be done right.
They’re really fair and reasonable when it comes to value too, there’s no overcharging or adding extras – they just want a good honest project. And I can tell it’s been like this since Yakka Build first started, as we get a lot of return business and recommendations.
I’ve recommended friends to work with us too, because I know they’ll get what they want. There are cheaper companies out there, but people always go with us because they have that peace of mind. They know we’ll show up, they can talk to us easily when they need to ask questions, and they know that if there’s a problem, we’ll fix it.
The Yakka guys have shared a lot of their experience and wisdom with me over the years, and this is one thing I’ve taken onboard and started passing on to other apprentices myself… I really enjoy teaching and feel it’s my strong suit, sharing the knowledge and work ethic. I try not to criticise too hard when something goes wrong, and instead focus on how we do it and the reasons why.
There’s that saying about working smarter not harder. I like to work smart AND hard. It’s that combo of discipline and consistency. I’m into CrossFit and I see a lot of parallels with building. I’m a bit unconventional in that I really enjoy the start of a project. We call it “getting it out of the ground” – the concrete and foundations – it’s hard but there’s so much satisfaction in the process. It feels like you’re creating something from nothing, and you can see the results pay off from your discipline and hard work.
– Angus
It’s so satisfying for me to see our clients happy. We know we’ve done a great job when we’ve met the budget, timelines and see our clients’ smiles at the end of the project – but it’s another level when we get a phone call from one of their family members or friends who now wants to work with us after hearing about their experience. We’re constantly getting new enquiries from people who have been referred to us by our clients and word of mouth. We’re busy because we get the job done right – our new clients don’t want to work with anyone else, they’d rather wait to work with our team and our company because they trust us, and we give ‘peace of mind’. I love this aspect of what we do, we get to work with amazing people who really understand and appreciate quality and excellence, and we also feel like we become part of this bigger ‘family’ of our clients and their families and friends.
I remember when I was an apprentice my old boss said that his measure of success was that he wanted to be invited back by his clients for a drink. With Yakka Build, we’re invited back not just for celebratory drinks and a BBQ, but to do another renovation for the same family or a close friend. This is the biggest compliment for our team, and it’s the whole team that makes it all possible. Our team is reliable and consistent, and they really know our standards of quality. We always have a lead person on each job, so it means we have accountability and clarity. It also creates reassurance for our clients that there’s always someone to count on, who knows what’s going on and has got their best interests at the forefront.
There’s a lot of moving parts to a build and it takes a lot of consideration to understand and interpret how people feel about different aspects of the build, what is going to work best for them, and how to manage things when unexpected challenges arise. I feel that one of the strengths that I bring to the business and our projects is a sense of calmness and problem solving. Maybe that comes from spending time on the land – not over complicating things, keeping it simple and finding the best solution to move forward… if plan A doesn’t work, there is always a plan B, C or even D. We assess things, we don’t rush into anything or jump to conclusions. We want to get it right. We’ve got to be serious sometimes, but I also try not to let things get too serious. It’s about good communication, good planning, and team work on all sides.
I also put a lot of my attitude down to how we were raised as brothers, that simple mantra of ‘treat others as you want to be treated’. We appreciate honesty and fairness, so we’re always just aiming to be honest and fair.
Outside of Yakka, I’ve got a hobby farm that I love, and as a family my boys and wife enjoy all that the land has to offer. The simplicity of farming speaks to me, it’s not over complicated but there are so many variables and care is of high priority. You need to be planned and have a vision, but also remain flexible and have understanding. Just like building, it’s a beautiful contrast.
– Steve
I’m stoked to be working with Yakka Build because these guys are just genuine people.
It’s about teamwork, we’re all in this together. It doesn’t matter who’s a manager or an apprentice, everyone is committed equally to getting the project done right.
I used to work with a concreting team, and it was great, but everything had to get done really fast. With Yakka Build there’s a strong emphasis on getting it right, we’re still on schedule, but it never feels rushed. We have a plan, we stick to it, we do everything the right way.
It seems like there’s a bit of a stereotype around builders not really caring that much, but we really do. The guys might laugh at me for this but the one piece of gear I’d want at every site is a broom. I’m always sweeping and clearing the area. It’s like a reset for the next part of the job, a clean slate.
I enjoy working hard for the team and getting stuck in, I always just say “for sure” when I’m asked to do something and give it 100%. It’s great after putting so much time and effort into a project, then seeing the finishing touches being applied. It’s like the whole project comes together, we get to see the results of all the planning, all the hours, all the work. There’s a real satisfaction in watching it transform.
I practice karate three times a week and it gives me a similar feeling, there’s the obvious rewards like physical strength and athleticism, and these definitely help on the harder days on site. But I also love how it teaches me discipline and focus, consistency, and reliability. It’s the same with work, we’re consistent, we’re focused, we’re disciplined. We know what to do, what needs to be done, and we do it. In karate there’s also this drive to just keep pushing yourself.
– Lucas

Yakka definitely care.
I started out in the industry at a maintenance company, and I realised quickly it wasn’t the place for me. The way they were working just didn’t seem right, pretty shonky and not much care was taken. I knew I didn’t want to end up like that so started looking elsewhere. I heard that a family friend of ours had their house renovated by Yakka Build and said they were awesome builders. I called Yakka and they decided to give me a go.
As soon as I got started with Yakka I could tell that it was the place for me, they really care about what they’re doing. It’s interesting as whenever I talk to other tradies and my friends in the building industry, they’re always so surprised at how we do things. So many times my friends have said “Wow you really do that?”, and to me it’s so normal and how things should be, but it definitely seems like there are other companies out there that cut corners and don’t share the same values.
I really respect the way that Steve and Andy do things, they take pride in what they do and want to give the best service they can. It’s not that common for things to go wrong, but if that ever happens their standards are to take it down and rebuild it properly. They’ll even do this at their own cost, because for them there’s no compromising, it has to be done right.
They’re really fair and reasonable when it comes to value too, there’s no overcharging or adding extras – they just want a good honest project. And I can tell it’s been like this since Yakka Build first started, as we get a lot of return business and recommendations.
I’ve recommended friends to work with us too, because I know they’ll get what they want. There are cheaper companies out there, but people always go with us because they have that peace of mind. They know we’ll show up, they can talk to us easily when they need to ask questions, and they know that if there’s a problem, we’ll fix it.
The Yakka guys have shared a lot of their experience and wisdom with me over the years, and this is one thing I’ve taken onboard and started passing on to other apprentices myself… I really enjoy teaching and feel it’s my strong suit, sharing the knowledge and work ethic. I try not to criticise too hard when something goes wrong, and instead focus on how we do it and the reasons why.
There’s that saying about working smarter not harder. I like to work smart AND hard. It’s that combo of discipline and consistency. I’m into CrossFit and I see a lot of parallels with building. I’m a bit unconventional in that I really enjoy the start of a project. We call it “getting it out of the ground” – the concrete and foundations – it’s hard but there’s so much satisfaction in the process. It feels like you’re creating something from nothing, and you can see the results pay off from your discipline and hard work.
– Angus

It’s so satisfying for me to see our clients happy. We know we’ve done a great job when we’ve met the budget, timelines and see our clients’ smiles at the end of the project – but it’s another level when we get a phone call from one of their family members or friends who now wants to work with us after hearing about their experience. We’re constantly getting new enquiries from people who have been referred to us by our clients and word of mouth. We’re busy because we get the job done right – our new clients don’t want to work with anyone else, they’d rather wait to work with our team and our company because they trust us, and we give ‘peace of mind’. I love this aspect of what we do, we get to work with amazing people who really understand and appreciate quality and excellence, and we also feel like we become part of this bigger ‘family’ of our clients and their families and friends.
I remember when I was an apprentice my old boss said that his measure of success was that he wanted to be invited back by his clients for a drink. With Yakka Build, we’re invited back not just for celebratory drinks and a BBQ, but to do another renovation for the same family or a close friend. This is the biggest compliment for our team, and it’s the whole team that makes it all possible. Our team is reliable and consistent, and they really know our standards of quality. We always have a lead person on each job, so it means we have accountability and clarity. It also creates reassurance for our clients that there’s always someone to count on, who knows what’s going on and has got their best interests at the forefront.
There’s a lot of moving parts to a build and it takes a lot of consideration to understand and interpret how people feel about different aspects of the build, what is going to work best for them, and how to manage things when unexpected challenges arise. I feel that one of the strengths that I bring to the business and our projects is a sense of calmness and problem solving. Maybe that comes from spending time on the land – not over complicating things, keeping it simple and finding the best solution to move forward… if plan A doesn’t work, there is always a plan B, C or even D. We assess things, we don’t rush into anything or jump to conclusions. We want to get it right. We’ve got to be serious sometimes, but I also try not to let things get too serious. It’s about good communication, good planning, and team work on all sides.
I also put a lot of my attitude down to how we were raised as brothers, that simple mantra of ‘treat others as you want to be treated’. We appreciate honesty and fairness, so we’re always just aiming to be honest and fair.
Outside of Yakka, I’ve got a hobby farm that I love, and as a family my boys and wife enjoy all that the land has to offer. The simplicity of farming speaks to me, it’s not over complicated but there are so many variables and care is of high priority. You need to be planned and have a vision, but also remain flexible and have understanding. Just like building, it’s a beautiful contrast.
– Steve

I’m stoked to be working with Yakka Build because these guys are just genuine people.
It’s about teamwork, we’re all in this together. It doesn’t matter who’s a manager or an apprentice, everyone is committed equally to getting the project done right.
I used to work with a concreting team, and it was great, but everything had to get done really fast. With Yakka Build there’s a strong emphasis on getting it right, we’re still on schedule, but it never feels rushed. We have a plan, we stick to it, we do everything the right way.
It seems like there’s a bit of a stereotype around builders not really caring that much, but we really do. The guys might laugh at me for this but the one piece of gear I’d want at every site is a broom. I’m always sweeping and clearing the area. It’s like a reset for the next part of the job, a clean slate.
I enjoy working hard for the team and getting stuck in, I always just say “for sure” when I’m asked to do something and give it 100%. It’s great after putting so much time and effort into a project, then seeing the finishing touches being applied. It’s like the whole project comes together, we get to see the results of all the planning, all the hours, all the work. There’s a real satisfaction in watching it transform.
I practice karate three times a week and it gives me a similar feeling, there’s the obvious rewards like physical strength and athleticism, and these definitely help on the harder days on site. But I also love how it teaches me discipline and focus, consistency, and reliability. It’s the same with work, we’re consistent, we’re focused, we’re disciplined. We know what to do, what needs to be done, and we do it. In karate there’s also this drive to just keep pushing yourself.
– Lucas